These are the main images from the Photo-shoots which I did for the Newspaper. I took the images with a Digital SLR camera and used a variety of angles and lighting. The first page shoot (on the left) was taken in a street I live near. I took the images around 6pm, just as it was going dark so that I could edit them on Photoshop and they would appear to be taken in the early hours of the morning which relates them to the story. Through looking through a few newspapers; such as the Metro and Wigan Observer, I saw that they commonly used the technique of putting the name of the street in the corner. This is why I decided to take a similar photo. The street name would also instantly appeal to the consumer as they’re from the local area and are likely to know where it is.
The Photo-shoot on the right was conducted at home. As it was a drug story, I tried to replicate an image that would look like a drug. The consumer would instantly understand what it is, know that it’s a serious issue and want to read more. I chose to use a high amount of lighting so the product could clearly be seen. I plan to select the best image and transfer it onto my newspaper.